The driving passion of most conservatory owners (or those who are dreaming of owning one) is their tropical plants. Be these orchids, fruits, herbs, flowering or herbaceous, a plant lover will put an entire addition onto her house just to spend winter with these joyful green friends. We are no different except my family has picked up a new obsession over the last year, fairy gardens. This is the hottest new gardening trend and the little people in my life are looking somewhere to ‘winter’ their fairies. The conservatory is the obvious answer to them. My beloved grandchildren now beg to join me in a trip to the garden center to look, observe and gather ideas to take home.
This is the original fairy garden from early spring. The pot seemed too confined for children’s imagination. The fairy gardens began to go ‘rogue’!
Over the summer, fairy gardens were appearing literately everywhere. Watching the children use their imaginations and become exposed to the world of plants is priceless to this plant lover.
Awake your inner Fairy! Tinkerbell is not dead! Plan your conservatory and decorate for Thanksgiving and Christmas in this miniature home for the fairy and gnome! Hundreds of photos are now online, every garden center has plenty of options to choose from and I guarantee, the wee ones will start to enjoy gardening as much as you do.